C h a o s

Howdy! I’m Cat, and here’s a little bit about me.
Server Names
Chaotix (The Chaos Origin)
Chaotic Skies

About Me

Straight female.
Religious, faithful Christian.
Conservative with strong opinions.
17 years old.
In a permanent relationship.
Full-time furry and a certified geek.
Anime and cat lover.
INFP-T personality.
Has traveled to over 25 states.
I’m a crazy lady, what can I say?

What I Do and Love

I’m an artist, writer, roleplayer, photographer, editor and character designer.
I love to collect random things and to travel.
I thrive in outdoor activities.
I’m good with advanced tech.
I am also a bit of a gamer.
Glass animals
Breyer and Schleich
Action figures
Bracelets, keychains and pins
Beanie Boos and Squishmallos
Miscellaneous stuff

My Phobias, Fears, Health and Mental Disorders

Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark)
I suffer from moderately severe depression, anxiety, BPD, major PTSD, and a few other emotional and behavioral difficulties.
I’m stressed a lot and get overwhelmed very easily.
Please be patient with me.
I’m trying my best.
(Low Blood Sugar)
An excessive fall in blood sugar below the normal rate.
Symptoms include: confusion, dizziness, hunger, shaking, loss of consciousness and seizures.
(Overactive Thyroid)
Condition that causes an excessive production of hormones from the thyroid gland.
Symptoms include: irritability, muscle weakness/pains, fast heartbeat and tremors.
(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
An upper chronic gastrointestinal disease that causes the stomach to persistently flow up into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as: regurgitation, non-cardiac chest pains, etc.

General Info

Where do I start? Hmm, let’s see now.I’m a pretty fun person I suppose!
I am loud, sometimes annoying, funny and I try to be smart (sometimes)
I’m interesting to say the least.
I have my good days and bad days.
I tend to be obnoxious and sometimes my anger gets carried away with me. So I do apologize.
I could go on and on but lets keep this short.
I’m a mystery waiting to be discovered!
So pull up a chair and stay awhile!
Have a chat with me, get to know me better! All it takes is a simple hello.

Random QnA

Who are you close friends with?
My favorite friends, Worms, Blue, and Cody.
I met Worms back in 2017 at a trailer campground.
We’ve stayed friends since, it turns out we’re even distantly related.
I met Cody through a discord server back in 2021 and we are close.
I met Blue about 2-3 years ago at another campground.
How sarcastic are you?
What is it like having a fursona?
It’s really fun, it’s such a good way of self expression.
You can draw a depiction of yourself doing basically anything at all.
But, if you can’t draw that is okay.
I suggest commissioning someone to draw your fursona.
Having a sona leads to a whole world of endless possibilities.
What are your plans for the future?
Become a graphic designer and animator, sell my work, do commissions, work from home hopefully, teach English, write a few books, try out photography, go to therapy, get married, have a family of my own, and help other people.
When did you start drawing?
I have always loved to draw, even when I was really young.
But I really got into and interested in learning back in early 2018.
I watched my cousin draw a lot as well and I was very inspired to draw even more so. So I finally tried it out. I’ve been an artist ever since then.
All-time favorite song?
I have far too many.
My Spotify playlist is pretty much my music taste/style.
But if I had to choose one song, it would be:
Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token.
Eddie Brock, Elder Alef, or Kakashi Hatake? Choose wisely.
Goodness me.
They’re all unique and cool characters,
how do I choose just one?
The characters you’ve created, are they somehow related to people in your life?
My characters are mostly based off of me.
My fursona(s) and persona are depictions of myself.
Most of other characters are based off of: my personality,
my family members and/or friends, events that happened in my life,
and some are even just completely random thoughts or dreams I have had.
How much stupidity can you handle?
Not very much, believe me, not very much.
Lack of common sense will drive me up the wall.
Do you like Monster Energy Drinks? Do you sing in the shower? Do you like cheese? Do you eat fish?
Never tried Monster.
Yes, I sing in the shower.
I love shredded cheese.
I don’t like fish very much.
Whats something you want to do but aren’t allowed too?
There are multiple ways that I could answer this question.
Are you a question?
No I’m a locomotive train.
How old is Katrina?
Currently 26 years old.

Extra Stuff

I’m online at random. My schedule is pretty loose most of the time.
I own 3 cats and live on a literal mountain, surrounded by other mountains.
Other usernames: EvilSneezing QwQ, Muted Minute, TheDeadlyBotanimy47, Deranged_Zeppelin, TheRoseOfSaiyanBlood77, Ms Hush BundleTimezone: America/New York ESTAll but Minecraft, Discord, Xbox and Nintendo have links to my socials